Ed Kless

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On Proprioceptive Muscles, Puffers and Other Assorted Kindergarten Learning

So we are on week three, or the “third week” as Sean refers to it of Kindergarten. This week is a bit of a short week as we were off for Labor Day on Monday and then there was a student holiday on Tuesday while the teachers had an in-service day.

We are (were, before the four-day weekend) in a pretty good routine for school thus far. Sean does great getting himself up in the mornings. He sets his own alarm and it might go off for a few minutes in the morning, he does get himself up. I love his alarm clock – the alarm is the Peanuts theme song. I drive part of the way to school and then we walk the rest of the way together. It has been significantly easier because we have been without Cara in the morning. Thankfully, Ed’s travel schedule has been nil the first few weeks of school. That changes next week too. One day at a time. At the end of the day, I head over to school about 20 minutes before it ends to pick up Sean. It is fun to chat with the other parents and grandparents while we are waiting. They all come parading out in their little lines waiting to give the teacher a high five so they can go with their assorted guardians. The Friday of the first week of school was the “big teacher reveal” where we learned who their teachers would be for the rest of the year. They also sent the kids home in these adorable t-shirts – Class of 2024! OH MY! 

class of 2024

Sean’s teacher is Miss Wright. He likes her pretty well. Of course I think it might have something to do with the fact that his favorite baseball player is David Wright. I do think this is good karma. And I am pretty sure Sean thinks he is somehow scoring Mets tickets from his teacher.


I typically resist the urge to ask for every detail of Sean’s day. Mostly my questions are answered with one word, “good”, “fine” and perhaps an “I don’t know.” So my new strategy has been to wait for him to share things with us. At dinner we like to AAR our day and we have gotten some insight into his day. Last Thursday he said the best part of his day was that, “Kindergarten didn’t seem quite as long today.” I guess we will take that as a plus.

However, over the weekend, Sean starts telling me all about the proprioceptive muscle (I had to look it up after emailing his teacher to find out how to spell it) and how we use it to write. He also went on to tell me about the “b” and “p” sounds are “puffer” sounds. But the “b” is a voice puffer and the “p” is a non-voice puffer. SAY WHAT? I about fell out of my chair. Needless to say I am pretty proud of Sean. I never even knew about muscles or puffers. When I emailed his teacher, she remarked at his specificity in what he was sharing with us. (Yes, I email the teacher a few times a week, and the school nurse just once, oh, and yes, the principal too, but just once!).

Me and Sean are both learning new things already. And I can’t wait to see what he teaches me next.