Ed Kless

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My New Endorsement: Gary Johnson!

It is my honor and privilege to have officially received the endorsement of Libertarian Presidential Candidate Governor Gary Johnson.

The text of his endorsement follows this photo taken at the Libertarian Presidential Debate in Fort Worth, Texas.


Governor Johnson is pleased to announce, on behalf of himself, Judge Gray and the Johnson/Gray2012 Campaign, his endorsement of Ed Kless for Texas State Senate, 8th District.

Ed believes the foundational principles of our country of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have been abandoned by both major political parties. What remains are collectivists on two sides of the aisle – the Republicans who collude with big business and fund expansionist government through unsustainable deficit spending and the Democrats who believe that bigger government is the answer to every problem and fund expansionist government through confiscatory tax policies.  Ed says, “I have finally said it is time to wake up!” 

Ed is senior director of partner development and strategy for Sage North America.  He develops and delivers leadership programs and consults with entrepreneurs daily to assist them in growing their companies.  Prior to joining Sage, Ed co-founded Third Wave Business Systems, a Microsoft Business Solutions Partner, which grew to 20 team members and 5 million in revenue.  Ed is also a senior fellow at the VeraSage Institute, a think tank devoted to professional organizations and the free market.
Governor Gary Johnson states: “Ed Kless is exactly the kind of candidate the Libertarian Party needs.  He is principled, passionate and pragmatic.”