Ed Kless

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Update: Six month doctor visit

Hi everyone,

Well, I had to go to the doctor yesterday. I had my six-month visit. I weighed in at 16 pounds 2 ounces - 7.34kg (20%) and I am a very tall boy, 28.75 inches (96%). I had to get four shots again, but I did very well. I only cried for a minute, but then I complained for quite some time. I still went to Grandma's house yesterday.

I thought I would send you some pictures. Please note this one where I tried out my new contortionist trick on Mommy, btw, she did not think it was nearly as cool as I did!

Well, we are off to big cousin Abbie's fourth birthday party at Planet Pizza!

Happy Father's Day to all you Daddies out there.

Love, Sean