Ed Kless

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I am 15-months old today

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog posts. If you can believe it, another month has come and gone! It has been a very exciting month for me. First, I am walking between things – like Mommy and the couch, Daddy and the chair. I am so proud of myself! My main method of transport is still crawling, but I am getting better and better at this walking stuff! Soon I will be running. Speaking of running, my Uncle Mike ran his third marathon last month in Austin. We were there to cheer him on across the finish line. He did great and it was wonderful to spend the weekend with him and my Aunt Melinda.

I got my first hair cut. I went to Daddy’s barber, Mr. Phil. I sat on Daddy’s lap the whole time. I didn’t mind it too much, I didn’t even cry! Mommy and Grandma were there too to take pictures, of course. I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Sporting my new hair cut, Mommy and Grandma took me to get my picture made. We did a baseball theme. This was really neat because I got to have my picture taken with Daddy’s bat, ball and glove that he used when he played ball. Only a few more weeks to opening day! It was a bit of scene at the portrait place though. They took 70 pictures and Mommy could not decide between them. Plus I had on a couple different outfits and some with and without my Mets hat. There were just too many options and I think Mommy ended up with more pictures of me than we could ever share. It was fun though. I loved picking the ball up out of the glove and throwing it – of course I usually did this just as the camera was taking my picture.

There have been a few not as fun things that happened this month that I will share with you. First, as I mentioned last month I decided to no longer sleep through the night back in October. This has caused Mommy to be very tired. Finally, after exhausting all options, discussing with numerous pediatric experts and being assured no baby ever died from crying or hated their mom from crying, Mommy decided I should be “ferberized.” I wasn’t sure what that was, but let me tell you. Basically, they put me in bed at bedtime, tell me they love me and then leave. At first, I was not a fan of this at all. I liked being rocked to sleep and being held during the night when I woke up. The first few nights were a little rough. But I am now happy to report that I only cry a minute or two and then I am off the dreamland. Mommy is relieved as everyone seems to be sleeping a whole lot better these days!! I also got my first stomach bug last week. It was not pretty and of course I got sick just as Mommy was leaving for a two-day work event. Fortunately I was going to Grandma’s house, which is a very good place to be if you are going to be sick. Many of my friends came down with the same thing. We all seem to be on the mend now though. The last sad thing that happened was my great great Aunt Henrietta passed away. She was 94 and still lived in her house with her grandson. It was wonderful she was able to be at my Baptism last year so we could see her.

We are enjoying beautiful weather in Texas! We go to the park almost every day. I love the slides, swings and cars. Plus I love seeing all the other kids. Next week Grandma and Grandpap are going to Iceland on vacation. I bet they will miss me as much as I miss them. Daddy has been traveling a lot more than usual. Mommy said he will be gone on a work trip at least once a week through June! I still love my books and we read every day.

We are going on Saturday to have a family Easter picture taken with real bunnies and chicks! Where does Mommy find these things??? (That’s what Daddy is always asking!)

Well, until next month …
AND HAPPY ST. PATRICK’s DAY!! My parents are having a big party at our house!!

xoxo, Sean