Ed Kless

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I am 66-months old today!

Hello! Welcome to summer in Texas! So far, it has been all sorts of a good time. Let’s back up a bit though so I can tell you about all the other cool stuff that has been going on …

15Mommy’s good friend Miss Jessica is a fabulous photographer. She has taken pictures of us for years. Mommy wanted to do some photos in our Easter outfits that also feature my Daddy’s seersucker suit. I think we clean up pretty darn well! We went to a neat historic village not too far from our house.

A fun milestone for my sister Cara (2.5 years) is that she *finally* got her first hair cut! She has not had much in the hair department, but Mommy thought it was a little uneven and looked a little crazy – “like a troll doll” she would say. So, off to Miss Nora at Phancy’s to get her first trim! Cara did great and didn’t even cry. We are taking bets on when Cara will need her second hair cut!


Cara also had her second surgery on her eye this past month. It is healing well and we hope to see some improvement once the stiches are out and the swelling goes down. You would have never known that Cara had surgery. The next day she was running around like nothing had happened. She has a great spirit and I love being around my sister. We play Legos together and she likes to play sports in the backyard with me. I love that the first thing she does when she wakes up is come and look for me. “Brother … where’s brother?”

This month also marked my graduation from pre-school. I have beenDSC_0065 at pre-school for four years and in the fall will start kindergarten. Don’t talk about it too much in front of Mommy. She’s having a bit of a hard time dealing with it. I know it will be a lot of fun, but you know my Mom, she likes to worry. Our graduation ceremony was very nice and I was happy that Grandma and Grandpap also came. My class sang and we received diplomas. That night, we went out to dinner to celebrate. I did realize toward the end of school that I would no longer see these friends every week like I did this year. That kind of made me sad. Picture on the left below is the first day of school and the one on the right is the last day.










Sean’s pre-k graduation

OK … So what else is going on?! Hmmm … well, there are a lot of great sports events! I am into the Stanley Cup again this year and am hoping the Canucks win. My friend Miss Wendy is from Vancouver and she sends me and Cara all sorts of nice Cancuk-wear. And, how excited am I that the Dallas Mavericks are in the finals! I have become quite the basketball fan and oftentimes can convince Mommy to let me stay up waaaaay past my bedtime to watch the games! I also am learning how to do double-digit subtraction, but that’s another story! The Texas Penguins baseball team is wrapping up our first season together. I want to play again, so we are already registered for fall baseball. I am continuing with skating lessons and have transitioned to hockey skates! For pre-school graduation, Grandma and Grandpap gave me a hockey helmet! I love it!


This summer I am doing a few things. I have a Phonics class that I am enrolled in. I am doing well on my reading, that helps me quite a bit when I am going through the sports page with Grandma. I also am going to vacation bible schools. Yes. plural. I am going to the VBS at the church where my pre-school was with my friends and then I am going to the VBS at our church. Mommy also found a one-week basketball camp for me to go to, so that will be fun too. I love swimming and have been in Grandma’s pool several times already. I plan on making several trips to the local splash parks and seeing my friends.

Mommy started a group to find other kids who are starting kindergarten at the same school I am going to this fall – Marion Elementary. We have had a few meet ups and I have met some new kids, which has been nice. Great Uncle Chaz and Great Aunt Doll came to visit this last month too. It is always nice to have family around.

Well, next month we are heading up to Washington D.C. with Daddy for a few days while he works. Then we are driving to Pittsburgh to visit family. It should be a lot of fun and we hope to make it to two or three more ballparks this summer!

Stay cool! Love, Sean