Credit Where Credit Is Due

It has long been my belief that most (not all) politicians enter the fray because they genuinely want to help improve the condition of their fellow man. In the past year and a half I have met dozens, perhaps hundreds of politicians and none have struck me as having truly evil intentions.

Now, do some become power hungry and corrupt? You bet. Are they misguided in their beliefs as to what can actually help? Yes. Do most tend to be almost devoid of an understanding of basic economics? Undoubtedly. Are they ill intended and want to end life as we know it? No.

It is with these ideas in mind that I write this post as over the weekend two events advanced the cause of freedom: one from a politician on each side of the aisle.

First, it was announced (leaked) that President Obama was putting the finishing touches on a plan to draw down the US troops stationed in Afghanistan. The is long overdue and very much welcomed in my view.

Second, it was announced here in Texas that Governor Rick Perry has added the TSA anti-groping bill to the agenda for the special session of the legislature. As readers of this blog no doubt know, I am a harsh critic of the use of government personnel to execute warrantless services of citizens whose only suspicious activity is there need to move about the country.

Throughout the day, I have noticed critics on both sides of the aisle and in Libertarian circles lambaste both men and these policies as pandering and even weak. To that I say, “Nonsense.”

Does this mean I am becoming an ardent supporter of either man? Heck, no. I have too many disagreements with both of them. In does mean I think we need to take some time out and celebrate the fact that the light of freedom grew a little bit brighter today.

To both President Obama and Governor Perry, I say, “Well done!”

I now return to the regularly scheduled programming.