Putting the MOASQ to work
A while back I wrote a post about what I call the MOASQ or Mother of All Strategic Questions in which I opined that the central focus of any strategy should be about creating customer value, not about generating revenue.Last week I was working in a consulting role with an organization that shares some space with other groups. As we sat down at the conference table, I was struck by what had been sketched out on the white board by a group who had used the room prior to us. I snapped a photo.Notice that this clearly illustrates a strategic conversation in which revenue generation was the focal point. Keep in mind, I am not against revenue generation, but it is an effect, not a cause.I took the liberty of replacing Revenue with Customer value.
My belief is that had this shift been made, the conversation would have been very different than it was. I'll admit, I do not know the outcome of the previous meeting. It might very well have been extraordinary, but I truly believe it would have been better still had Customer value been on the white board instead.Thoughts?