Sage Summit 2014 Speaker Podcasts
For those of you who have been listening to the Sage Summit Speaker podcast I thank you.In case you missed any episodes here they are for easy reference in reverse order of appearance:
- Laurie McCabe
- Geni Whitehouse
- Susan Solovic
- Chelsea Krost
- Melinda Emerson
- Mike Michalowicz
- Rieva Lesonsky
- Lisa Zamosky
- Tracy Carlson
- Josh Altman
- Ron Baker
- Ken Thoreson
- Barry Moltz
- Paul Ziliak
- T. Scott Gross
- Doug Sleeter
In addition, there are three partner podcasts which speak directly to go to market strategies for partners. They are:
- Apryl Hanson from Blytheco
- Bill Delgado from Keystone Software Solutions
- Susan Klein from L. Kianoff
Lastly there are two Sage executives who recorded podcasts as well: