New Member of Ed's List


AAEAAQAAAAAAAAVuAAAAJGQ0OTQ5ZDAwLTgyZmEtNGE0Yy05N2FjLTM5YzM0NmM3NTUwYgThis weekend I received a message from an attendee of one of my early Sage Consulting Academy classes. He has recently started his own company and wrote to ask that he be included on Ed's List.Here is the message:

I'd be honored if you add my software consulting and development firm, Monkeys Amok Software Consulting, to Ed's List. Your conversations on fixed-price engagements and service guarantees still ring in my ears from when I first heard you speak at the Sage Consulting Academy years ago.When I started my own company a few months ago, two things were obvious. For one, I've never had the illusion that hours spent has any relationship to the value I deliver to a customer; hence, I have no interest in doing time-based billing. Secondly, I expect my customers to hold me accountable so, of course, I offer an unconditional money-back guarantee on my services.These things should be common sense, right? Keep the posts coming!All the best,Chris Burriss

I am thrilled to add Chris and Monkeys Amok to Ed's List. Welcome!If you are aware of any other organizations that meet the criteria, please let me know.