Happy 3rd Birthday, Cara!
Dear Cara,
Happy birthday sweet girl! What a fabulous year it has been for you. I can’t believe how much you have grown up. You are confident, spirited and beautiful. You are so sweet to your big brother. It is so fun to watch you two play together. Your imagination and creativity is wonderful. You and Sean like to play imagination games – especially ones that involve airplanes and going on trips. You like playing with your doll house and in the backyard. Dora and Hello Kitty are among favorites too. You love being read to and know all of your ABCs. You also like looking at maps and big brother has taught you where some of the states are. We love that you will eat scallops and steak, and of course any sweet treat.
You are doing so well in school. The director referred to you as “independent.” You should be proud of that. You adjusted so smoothly. You spend a day and night each week with Grandma. She takes you to the library for store time as well as music and dance classes. With me, we go to Gymboree class and Soccer Tots with our friends.
You are still sleeping in a crib, but I suspect very soon you will be in your big girl bed. You make us laugh every day and we are so proud to call you daughter.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Cara Lyn. We love you with all our hearts.