Celebrating History ~ Railcar turns 100

train5For the last three years, Sean and I have been going to the “train story time” at the Plano Interurban Museum. The story time is one of the best and the story leader, Miss Genie, is absolutely fantastic. She is part of the North Texas story teller’s guild. In addition to stories, she has her dog puppet, “Rags”, does felt board stories and sings with the kids while playing her autoharp. Sometimes the train station is absolutely packed and sometimes only a few kids are there. After story time, we like to spend time in the one-room museum looking at the model trains and as Sean has gotten older, we do more of the interactive exhibits. Most story times, they will open up the railway car for you to go inside. We always love that part.

The railway car turned 100 this year and yesterday, May 21, they hosted a big celebration train1along with a pancake breakfast at Haggard Park. And we don’t like to miss out on a pancake breakfast! There were so many fun activities for the kids to do. Sean has been wanting to try fishing for awhile and now he had his chance. I don’t think he really enjoyed it and I ended up holding the pole. We did get to see a few kids catch some fish though. They had a trackless train ride for the kids in the parking lot, which we rode twice. We also ran into our friends the Dahlbergs and rode the train once with them.


train3Als0 in the parking lot, they had two fire engines. One from 1929 and one from 1982. I asked Sean what they had in common? Here is what he came up with: 1. Ladder 2. Red 3. Bell/siren 4. Wheels 5. Ax 6. Hose; we also learned that they both had a pump. I thought he did well coming up with a list!


train2No birthday party would be complete without a cake! They had made a replica of the railway car for the top. First thing Sean asked, “Why don’t they have the train car’s number on the cake?” Again, I was impressed with his observation!

We all had a great time.