Today’s Parade–August 22, 2011

Dear Sean,

Today you started Kindergarten. Your first day of school. I can’t believe it. The time has flown so quickly. The last five years, I happily disregarded all the commercials and signs that indicated it was time for school feeling that this time was so far off in our future. And now the day is here.

imageTo say I have loved the last five years with you would be an understatement. To say I have loved being your mom would be an understatement. I have loved seeing you grow up. I remember the day you were born. You were this beautiful tiny baby boy with lots of dark hair and blue eyes. And now you are this boy who is confident, smart, funny, kind, interested and thoughtful.

The things I adore about you are too numerous to count. I love that you can sing “The Star Spangled Banner” and that whenever you hear it your hand goes to your heart and you hat is off your head. I love that you know how to use my iPhone better than me. I love that you give your sister sweet hugs and are so gentle with her. I love your fascination with baseball and all sports. I love that you like looking at maps. I love your little obsession with things like the color blue, applesauce and hotel card keys. I love your imagination. I love that you enjoy going new places and travel. I love that when we play Sorry or Uno or any other game that you announce the play-by-play. I love that you ask lots of questions, especially if there is a word or something you don’t know. I love that you like to cook with me. I love that you are always happy when you wake up in the morning. I love that you make friends easily. I love that you learned how to take deep breaths. I love that you think. I love the confidence you have in yourself and know how to be proud of yourself. I love that you love your family. I love that you will throw your arms around me and give me a hug. And there are so many other things.

Today you are starting a new adventure. A new time filled with so many new experiences and opportunities. You are my sweet buddy and I am proud to be your mom. I am so often reminded of the words of this song when I think of you:

Let’s hop, skip and jump to you I know
Just the thing that we can do
I’ll take your hand
The band will play, the trumpets blare and the drummer’s beat will fill the air
And we’ll smile so wide, marching side by side.

Today’s parade starts with you and me
Get some friends and we’ll go down the street 
You and me, together we’ll see what we can see.

The grass, the sky, the world will watch us march by
And when we’ll do we’ll wave at the crowd that lines the street
Hearing clapping hands and tapping feet
Now days like this are few and far between
Look around at this and you will see
A time for you; A time for me; A time for everything. ~Today’s Parade, Imagination Movers

I love you always. Enjoy this great new adventure.
~ Mom