They aren’t perfect, but I made them.

I recognize that I over analyze most of the time, which often prevents me from accomplishing things. For example, this blog. I have only wanted to have a blog for years. Mostly to record the day in and day out of our life. I am like this way with gifts too. I spend a lot of time trying to sort out and research the *perfect* gift. This is even worse when it comes to my kids. Since Cara was born, I have wanted each of their rooms to have a cross. I searched high and low for one that would be *perfect.* In the end, I decided to paint a cross for them for Easter at one of those paint-your-own-pottery places.


I painted the crosses to match their rooms and I could have had the artists write their names on the front, so they would look *perfect.* I decided to let that go. I wrote their names on the front and “Love, Mom” on the back.

crosses back

While the end result may not look *perfect*, I made them. Just like my kids.