A Suggestion for Will Smith

The Huffington Post reports that Actor Will Smith “is supporting President Barack Obama's call for higher taxes on the country's top earners.” Specifically, the POTUS has called for what is known as the Buffet rule that anyone earning over $1 million a year should have to pay a minimum of 30 percent in tax. In Smith’s case this would be at least $20 million for 2012.

pay.gov logoNow, let me leave the insignificance of this number when compared to the deficit or debt and instead posit that nothing precludes Will Smith or any of the 210,000 tax payers whom this affects including the sage of Omaha from making a voluntary contribution today. He should go to https://www.pay.gov/paygov/forms/formInstance.html?agencyFormId=23779454 to make his voluntary contribution of $3 million (30 percent of $20 million) to reduce the public debt.

If they are not technically savvy, they can send a check payable to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and in the memo section, notate that it’s a Gift to reduce the Debt Held by the Public and send it to:

Attn Dept G
Bureau of the Public Debt
P. O. Box 2188
Parkersburg, WV 26106-2188

After that he can encourage the rest of the 210,000 to do that same. Once they all do that then the can make any contributions to the Obama campaign.