I am 25-months old today

Happy 2008! I can’t believe that I have been around to see four different years and I am just two!

This last month sure has been a fun one since Christmas was a part of it. As you can imagine, Christmas was a pretty good time for me! I even sat on Santa’s lap for an obligatory photo and I wasn’t screaming! There were all sorts of pre-Christmas fun things to do. There was the annual Christmas cookie decorating contest, which I am happy to announce that my Mommy won! Each year we all decorate cookies, then Grandpap has to judge the cookies and pick a winner. It is lots of fun and it did involve something I like a whole lot – cookies! My friend Marty also hosted a cookie decorating party that I enjoyed too. We had our Gymboree Christmas party and guess who came with me? My cousin Emily! My Mommy was helping out and watched Emily one Friday and it was the same day as the party. You should have seen Mommy with two little ones! It was pretty funny. It took her 45 minutes just to load the car up to come home from the party. I think she was terrified that she was going to leave one of us there. As it was, she ended up bringing home two toys and a blanket that did not belong to us! Speaking of Gymboree, I thought you would like see a video of me at Gymboree last month. Take note of my awesome “Grinch” overalls. http://picasaweb.google.com/ed.kless/SeanAtGymboree

Christmas was such a great time. I think most of all it was fun because all my family were together. My Uncle Mike and Aunt Melinda came up from Austin to be with us too. After unwrapping Christmas gifts at Grandma and Grandpap’s on Christmas Eve, we went home and waited for Santa to come to our house. He sure did! When I woke up Christmas morning there were presents under my tree! I couldn’t believe it. I could barely walk down the stairs. (Check out my Christmas morning video: http://picasaweb.google.com/ed.kless/Christmas2007). After I got over the shock, I opened up my gifts. I was so excited because I got a train set! Daddy set it up for me right away and I love it. On Christmas Day everyone came over to my house for brunch. We even played a soccer match in the backyard with my new goal and soccer ball I got. I received so many great gifts for Christmas that Mommy and Daddy spent many hours taking all the toys out of their boxes and putting them away. We even had to make an emergency trip to the Container Store to buy a whole shelving system to hold everything!

Another exciting thing that has happened is now I sleep in my bed. No more crib. And, thankfully, Grandma and Grandpap gave me very cool baseball bedding to sleep under! I love it and every night I am excited to go to sleep in my bed. I don’t even get out of the bed … yet … Speaking of baseball, on New Year’s Eve, we went to see a baseball exhibit, which was very cool. I can’t wait until the season starts! I will be sure to send pictures next month.

I am talking up a storm and running all over the place. I love to play with my planes and trains and will even play upstairs in my playroom by myself for 30 minutes to an hour. Daddy just installed a web cam so they can watch me from their computers downstairs – just to make sure I don’t get into anything I shouldn’t! I still love my books and being read to. Mommy and I signed up for another session of Gymboree and just this week she took me to swim in an indoor pool! That was fun. Yesterday, Grandma and Aunt Beth took me to ride on a real train! We went into downtown Dallas on the DART train, I loved it. Then we saw an Amtrack train and I got to meet the conductor. It was great! They also took me to see “Alvin and The Chipmunks” – it is always a good time with Grandma and Aunt Beth. I even had a sleepover at Grandma’s with me and Cousin Abbie – how great is that?

Here are some of my favorite phrases:
“pay over there Mommy”
“pause TV Daddy”
“ride in fancy car” – (note from Mommy: the “fancy” car is my 1997, yes 97, Mazda 626 with 160K miles on it! – I guess since Sean rarely rides in the car, he thinks it’s “fancy!”)

My Daddy has been hard at work. He was recently interviewed for an article and had several quotes published. Here is the link to his article: http://www.destinationcrm.com/articles/default.asp?ArticleID=7469

So, did anyone make any resolutions this year? I resolved to play with more trains and planes, run faster than Mommy and keep updating you monthly on what is going on in my world!

Happy 2008!
Love, Sean
