Greetings all! I hope everyone is doing well.

No tropical vacation to report on this month, but I did get to go south; that is, to Austin. We spent Cara’s first Valentine’s Day in Austin where we watched my Uncle Mike run his fifth marathon. It was a lot of fun. Did you know that I watched Uncle Mike run a marathon every year I since I was born?! We also went to the Austin Children’s Museum, which I really loved and I hope I can go back to some time soon. I keep asking Mommy if we can go back to Hawaii too. I think she really wants to say, “yes,” but hasn’t yet. I have kept busy this month with my regular activities. We had open house at my pre-school. I got to introduce Grandma to my friends – Ella and Megan. Megan says she is going to marry me. You see, her daddy’s name is “Sean” too! Mommy thinks that Megan thinks she has to have a husband named “Sean” and I fit that bill. We also went to a fundraiser at my school this past Saturday night. Grandma and Grandpap came!

It is official. I have a definite fear of/aversion to puppets performing in a puppet show. Grandma took me to a show at the library and I freaked out. It was so bad, we had to leave. I did not like it at all. Now, puppets are fine as themselves, but I do not like them when performing. Go figure. I am still in tumbling and I think we are going to sign up for another session. I am not real flexible – Daddy says I get that from him; Mommy says I have her “grace”. Hmmmm, we should feel lucky it’s only puppets I have an issue with. I also started tee ball last week. I did this program last year and really liked it. This year’s class does not involve Mommy. She sits outside the netted-in arena and just watches me. I have been doing pretty well and can definitely slug the ball. I am a lot better at base running too. I know the right order and which direction to run.

The weather has been warming up here in Texas. We are in the season called, “almost summer.” I have been to the park a few times and playing outside in the backyard. We went to the North Texas Irish Festival yesterday and enjoyed it.

My sister is doing great! Cara is almost 13 pounds and doing all sorts of good stuff. She laughs and plays with her toys. And boy, does she watch me!! I think I am her favorite. Mommy started Gymboree classes with Cara. They are having a very nice time. One of her favorite games to play is “flip the bib.” This is where Cara flips her bib on her face and hides. I wonder if she thinks we can’t see her? Cara does have a little issue with her eyelid and she may need to have surgery to correct it. We should know more later this month.

Have a great month!

Love, Sean