I am 82-months old today!
Another month has flown by. First grade is going pretty well. I have homework of reading at least 10 minutes a night. Since I love to read, that is no problem at all. Sometimes I read to Cara, sometimes I read to myself and sometimes mom or dad reads to us. We love all of our own books, but also love going to the library to pick out new books. Both me and Cara really like reading about the states. Cara’s favorite state right now is “Alabama.” I think it’s because there are flowers on the cover of the book on Alabama we picked out. Cara also likes the Mo Willem’s books, I do too!
Also in first grade we have weekly spelling tests. We have to learn a word “chunk” and make words with the chunk for the test each week. We have three chunks per week. Last week was –og, –ot, and –op. We do a lot of writing and math. I really like science. I am also learning about Ancient Egypt in AIM. I made a shaduf, which is what the Ancient Egyptians used to move water from the Nile to their crops. Speaking of Ancient Egypt, remember last month I told you about going to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? Well, I still LOVE it. Mom was trying to get me to be a Pharaoh for Halloween, but I wanted to be a football player instead.
My dad’s campaign is going well. He has an upcoming debate and will be at the League of Women’s Voter meeting in October. Our neighbor is hosting a meet the candidate forum too. We helped him put together a bunch of signs that Mom and Dad put out all over town. We are all very proud of Daddy. If you want to learn more about his campaign, please visit ElectKless.com.
Cara got to go to the Dallas Arboretum with mom a couple weeks ago. They had a great time! I am glad they are getting to do fun things together, even though I miss them when I am in school. Mom tells me Cara misses me too. She always asks, “When is it time to get brother?”
Fall baseball has started. Our team is the Royal Rangers. We have been doing pretty well. I hit my first triple in a game and then I hit another triple! Our fielding has definitely improved as well. I really like playing with my friends. This past weekend we had our first tournament! Of course the temperature dropped to 50 degrees, so we went from playing in 90 degree heat to pretty cold temperatures! Daddy is still our team pitcher and Mommy helps in the dugout and handles all the team communications. I am glad that Grandma, Grandpap and Aunt Beth come and watch me play.
A few other fun things this past month … we went to eat at Bavarian Grill for Oktoberfest! This is also the place where mom and dad had their rehearsal dinner for their wedding. They will be celebrating eight years of marriage this month on 10/23, which is also Cara’s 4th birthday!
We have been doing a lot of cooking with mom lately. Our favorite was making a chocolate cake and frosting! She lets us help with measuring and pouring ingredients, stirring and whisking. One of our favorite parts though is licking the beaters!
One of my favorite days was when Daddy came to school and was the Watch DOG! This is where he comes and spends a day helping in my classroom and in the school. He also is signed up to do it right before my birthday.
We are headed to Camp Grandma for a few days while mom and dad go on a trip for work. I am definitely looking forward to it.
I hope you have a great month and Happy Birthday month to my sister Cara! We love your confident and independent personality and creative spirit!
Love, Sean