I am 34-months old today

Well, here it is. Another month has passed us by. I don’t have any new adventures to report, other than my day-to-day lifestyle, which I understand is about to change quite a bit soon. Mommy is just two weeks away from having my sister! (Two weeks from today!) We have spent the last month “getting ready.” I am not sure what all that means, but I do know that there is a lot of activity in the bedroom next to mine. Daddy painted my sister’s room a really bright green color. They put my old crib in there along with my dresser/changing table. You might think I am upset by that, but au contraire. You see, I got to go shopping for my new big boy furniture. I happen to really enjoy furniture shopping. I like getting in and out of the beds and sitting in all the chairs. My new furniture is coming next week, so I will be set!

So, what have I been up to? Well, we are settled into our fall routine. I go to pre-school twice a week, which I love. This week a fire truck came to visit my school! I get to be Grandma’s boy twice a week too! Those are my favorite days. We do great stuff together – library, art class, park, reading – and Grandma has my new favorite videos, “Hard Hat Harry.” Harry loves things that go almost as much as I do. I still see my “Lou Lou” after school on Wednesday’s. It is a lot of fun because cousin Emily is there too that day and often, my cousin Abbie comes over after school. Those are my favorite days when I can see Abbie. Abbie is on a big trip right now to Disney World! I can’t wait to hear all about her fun.

I mentioned last time how much I like to sing. I am getting really good in church. There are quite a few songs I know the words too. We sit right in the front row in front of the choir at church, which I love because I can see all the instruments. I think they may have planned it that way! I am also learning my ABC’s and 123’s, although I can tell not nearly as fast as Mommy wants me too. She just needs to understand that I will get to that in my own time. Meanwhile, she should be impressed that I know that Dr. Miller is my “dentist”, Dr. Cook is my “pediatrician” and Mommy’s baby doctor is Dr. Meggs. That’s a lot to remember for someone just 34-months old. Plus, I have all my airplane knowledge – I don’t have room yet for the ABC’s! (Although I can recognize an “S” no matter where I am!)

The next month is a big one for us. We have my sister’s birthday day, Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary and birthdays, plus Halloween! Our house is decorated and I am wavering between costumes. I want to be a spider again, but I think I have settled on a baseball player. Mommy has both costumes ready to go depending on what I choose for Halloween.

Well, that’s all from me this month. The pictures attached are from our last day at the splash park – just last week. Yes, it was still warm enough to go to the splash park!! Although it is thankfully cooling down now. Mommy also had some very nice pictures taken of me by her friend Jessica, a few are attached. If you need a good photographer – check her out:http://www.jessicakarlinski.com/index.html

And you know what I got for my big 34-month birthday today? A flu shot. Hmmm.

Love, Sean
